Sunday, October 18, 2009

Enigma of education

Education is one of the important activities that he/she engages in her journey of life and civilized oneself from cradle to college everyone is involved in learning, teaching and sharing the knowledge that nurtures our lives but in large diversified country like India where education is much talked in circles of political society, intellectual elites, and among the guardians of stakeholders as the subject which is very important and dear to them from the point of comprehension which include most of them who are having no or little basic background about the subject nevertheless education is important for everyone and to their wards today although what type of education? One can find mute oops, yup, beeps.

India today is one of the fortunate nations in the world to have its young human resource in a great percentage those are running with their potential knowing seldom where they are heading towards. However I understand everyone is sprinting for the common destination for achieving their livelihood to lead a better life in society. It is this great ambition of the young covert dreams that brings the role and responsibility of the state in demand to realize and meet the aspirations of the present generation for a better future.

Indian education establishment and state has not achieved any appreciable credits to its legacy in heralding the knowledge as the national education policy has not been updated and we are following a decade or old education policy that is more a static block in the changing period of times, the change in government has done a ceremonial ritual of allocating funds to education and structuring conditioning programs and naming it after great leaders but there has been little significant effort to carve a great leader among the common student alike Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Sarojini naidu, Dr. Ambedkar, C.B Muthamma, Kiran Bedi, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam the book of history has many successful names to mention These names that made their special tryst with destiny and added a golden chapter in the pages of account at every turn are today snapped in the pictures and yearning for their legacy to live for the betterment of humanity.

The national education vision never reflect in Indian planning and processes by the policy makers nevertheless education has been used always as an experimental tool that under went constant experimentation by the change of leadership stretching it to its length and width and making education a vague enterprise vulnerable and less affordable to the have not’s that became a venture for private institutions to emerge education market. The government has been regularly budgeting education with considerable surpluses but the output still remains in deficits.

There are many causes for it but the effect is single that is creating substandard product for future. To mirror few of the wounds of education are linguistic divide the community is linguistically divided in the name of regionalism and the parochial mind is hampering the growth of young minds, the teaching methodology has been less professional and humane and more complex and deterrent, the facilitators has been less effective and efficient in their job, the performance appraisal of the institutions is marred by standards that need to redefine by the monitoring institution to accredit, the parent institution of university Grants commission flowing grants for the development of education with less accountability should allow accountability to get stringent to use the revenue granted and generated in a more appropriately endeavor, not to be left the big issue of the policy of reservation which has been little successful in bringing the underprivileged section into mainstream and seldom efforts been undertaken to modernize the fabric of reservation program to empower and deliver the benefits to the deserving in an effective methodical way. Nonetheless this has led to the unrest to sketch the dividing line among the stakeholders.

The government could have been quick than late in bringing needed reforms that should have thought much before, the education reforms should be kept on priority agenda to bring a policy of uniformity, a synergy between the teaching, learning faculty, framing education curriculum, and monitoring fee structures with multi dimensional structural approach to save it from the shackles of globalization however the lenient attitude of government has left the education less competent among its contemporaries of foreign institution. The position of the guardians and stakeholders also deserve the blame who fail to check the de legitimization of education that got branded by the politicization, commercialization, and categorization of teachers (urban favorites) and brought education on a confused platform that is producing literate people without making them truly educated. The need is that we need to reflect the meaning of 5th September, 15th and 14th November to its significant in society.

The yashpal committee’s recommendations and the constant recommendations by the national knowledge commission envisioned to take the fundamental right to education in the new direction provided the political will resolve to deliver and cater the means with not only mid day meal but also with the total quality management in teaching and learning methods with good Teachers, basic infrastructure, congenial environment to renew and transform lives and to make sphere of education to reach locally.

India’s patience needs to be much appreciated as after suffering for hundred years under reign of times and making rendezvous with freedom and to its subjects she is still under the clutches of political aristocrats and passing through with the enigma of time looking for the basic rights for its recipients.

In the growing days of democracy it is we the people needs to introspect that how and what type of education we need for our children is finally we have to decide are we ready for it?
