Friday, August 31, 2007

AnXious Melody

Originally uploaded by ηЄŁЅy

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.

- John Keats

AnXious insight

Footprints in the Sand
Originally uploaded by Thiru Murugan
Success is having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a sense of purpose.

-Margaret Thatcher

keep walking

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

AnXious Imagination

Originally uploaded by daaynos
i wish we could open our eyes to see in all directions at the same time.... Oh what a beautiful view - if you were never aware of what was around you.

AnXious SaYing

ted sails
Originally uploaded by pbo31

Life is like journey in the ship, with ocean of times where you come across Islands of joy and situation of stroms, from sunrise to sunset destination is traveled by destiny."


AnXious Gem

Originally uploaded by Sreenivas G
The shadow is Love of Light".

- Anxious

Monday, August 27, 2007

AnXious pEn

The pen is the tongue of the mind.

There are a thousand thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up a pen to write.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

AnXious quOte


- AnXious

AnXious Prescription

Keep Smiling!
Originally uploaded by frankeys creation
Yours may be the smile that puts the sunshine in some-one else’s day.

A smile is a window on your face to show your heart is at home.

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.

“If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.

Peace begins with a smile.

– so remember – keep smiling!

AnXious ThoUght

If I wrote you a symphony
Just to say how much you mean to me
what would you do ?
If I told you you were beautiful
Would you page me on the regular
tell me would you ?

Sunday, August 26, 2007


A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.

-Nelson mandela

This is our purpose: to make as meaningful as possible this life that has been bestowed upon us; to live in such a way that we may be proud of ourselves; to act in such a way that some part of us lives on

- Oswald Spangler

There are two types of people in this world: those who want to be somebody and those who want to do something.
-Jean Monnet

The glory of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it.

- francois de La rochefoucauld

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


God has bestowed upon all of us one common gift i.e. in the form of emotions, emotions that is a basic feature of human life; we all possess, interact, and exchange emotions with each other in our mutual acts and activities.

Emotions at work will make history to judge,
You as wise than other wise

The emotions are just like colors, they are common in nature but they may differ in their versatility from application of one individual to another. These emotions are love, happiness, sorrow, fear, anger, etc. they are interwoven into our lives, which are also signs of our thinking civilized identity. No matter whom you are where you are whether you are from royal community or common society, literate or less literate. The sequence of emotions is present in everyone personifying their persona in the society.

However, these emotions are a guiding force in inspiring and empowering our lives by appropriately understanding them and putting them to work, right one at the right time we can move in the direction of growth, nevertheless to grow in our lives we have to properly institutionalize reasoning of our emotions and put them at work, this look like a difficult task but not an impossible one for determined.

Emotions at work

Our emotions are universal and broad, it is difficult to compartmentalize them, and thus one should learn to understand his/her emotions by sheer observation in personal self and in others.

A famous illustration of one such great personality, who has merit to his traits of conquering his emotions and exemplifying his personality and explaining the multiple shades of emotions to the world with his art of expression and making emotions to work for himself in particular and the world in general.

He is nonetheless ‘Sir Charles (Charlie) Chaplain’ the famous name that is not unfamiliar to anyone in the world. A great living legend of all times, you have seen him in his impeccable art of portraying emotions of humor, and tragedies through his great talent of expression, energy and spirit. We have laughed at him in his happiest moments and cried at his sad depiction, which were the outcome of his emotional expression, his true representation of his own emotions that put life into every character.

The character, which everyone has, come across of Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain, is the mask on his face, which entertained us by giving his best. However, there is an inner face behind the mask of Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain, which is the inspiration to the mask for its flawless performances that pleased us every time. Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain was the great leader of emotions who had learned the art of expression of different emotions by realizing his emotional senses and transformed them into his appearances before his beloved audiences, and received applauds, by putting the right emotion at the right time;
How Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain did this magical exertion? This great feat was the result by chiseling to his instinct and keeping him in continuous and consistent alarm, constant practice of observation of his emotional occurrences within himself and his surroundings, thus adding all these to his individual personality, he set his emotions at work and the civil society started enjoying every change of curve in his emotion.

The graceful relationship he shared between his emotions and expressions which later inspired and popularized the celebrated art form entitled ‘mime’ he made himself not only great in the chapters of history but still today he remains has greatest.

Once Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain has said that, “I always like to walk in the rain as no one can see me crying”. That is how Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain has learned to master his emotions not only to put them at work but also control them”.

Emotions at work

Our emotions speak our personality, our character, attitude, intelligence. It is said not only the intelligent quotient is important but also emotional quotient plays a vital part in describing your previous self. These emotions are not in perpetuity but changing accordingly to the law of nature with your age. Therefore, you have to put your emotions at work and change as per their emergent. A particular emotion of joy may give you certain immunity for its expression at your certain age and time but the same will vary into otherwise with your personal growth.

One hilarious example, As in a footsteps of child you take the liberty of expressing your emotion of joy by kissing to everyone, even you may kiss to a stranger or anyone, even a stranger may kiss you but when you enter into your teen hood, the same expression of your emotion of joy may cause you embracement and leads to nuisance and punishment. Thus, be conscious do not try your expression of emotions without reasoning and keep emotions away from experimentation.

One can also acquire the realization of Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain by igniting to his/her instinct and realizing senses of your emotions and becoming leaders of your emotions by putting them on work as in the same way as Sir Charles
(Charlie) chaplain did for his graceful personality.

The first and the foremost thing you have to do is to recognize, treasure and follow the three magic pearls of wisdom in becoming leaders of your emotions these are love, speak, and observe.

The first magic pearl is “love”. Loving your emotions is important because love is the wonderful emotion of human life, which creates purpose and put humans at work. Thus, you have to love your emotions, emotion of love creates the magic of inspiration to empower and grow yourself.

Second magic pearl is “speaking with yourself” i.e. your emotions. Speaking to your emotional self is vital for the understanding and distinguishing between them. (Putting yourself before mirror and speaking is an advantage). The careless thing, what we do in our lives, we give more stress to know the outer self (outer world) and we give less importance to know our inner self (inner world) if you are known to others and unknown to yourself, this is something like honey without sweet. Hence, it is necessary you should know about yourself, your emotions by communicating them and regularly speaking to yourself and spreading the magical moments into memories of your and others.

Emotions at work

Look at this way; how to speak to our own self, think you are not comfortable for some reason with yourself and getting perturbed and messy with others take a little time out try to take a zoom view what is that reason which is making you uncomfortable? Is that important for you to get disconcerted, Trust the truth, you will see the miracle, you yourself will be witness, how you solved your problem by speaking to your own self (i.e. emotions).

The same testimony can be applied to control your anger, by going to the root of the problem through speaking to yourself.

The third magical pearl, which is the most vital, is to “observe”. Observation of your emotions equally, emotions of others such as parents, relatives, friends etc will strengthen your emotional quotient. The emotions are inheritance and interlinked in you in force, some times they are natural, sometimes they take the shape through provocative lift (by some one else). For example Love and anger. Observation of your emotions develops an intimacy of soundness between you and your emotions and gives you a hold to handle them and earn you magic of prize on the word of your choice.

The emotions are not confined to the cultural forms and performances like dance, music, acting and art forms but they are present in our day to day behavioral proceedings of our lives, The upcoming of emotions is inevitable, our emotions can be characterized as positive and negative emotions, positive emotions are natural emotions, which rarely harms but negative emotions can really be disastrous, it is very important for everyone to learn to control your negative emotions, this can be achieved by following the wisdom of three magical pearls as stated above (love, speak, and observe) however sometime the wave of negative emotion is powered very strong, in such circumstance follow this following:

Simple exercise: To control your negative emotion try to find the alternative to defeat your negative emotion which is disturbing you, by involving yourself in your favourite activity like reading, listening to music, or writing or any one of your interest, if you are unsuccessful to find it than just take a break and forget the scene which has risen your negative emotion in you and take walk into imagination world not related to that particular act you were doing, this will deviate your concentration from your negative emotion and it may cease to exist, but please come back form the world of imagination into actuality with other promising emotions waiting for your arrival, after coming back try to collect the beautiful blooming emotions which you brought from the walk of imagination and put them to work for you in heralding fragrance of your good self to all and all to you. If still your negative emotions are haunting you and out of your control, than please do not make delay and hurry to some medical experts you are really in need of medical treatment.

Emotions at work

Life is like a mirror and emotions are image-forming shape in it, it is up to your reckoning how you desire to reflect it at you, they say the beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, take a pick to differentiate the reality from superficiality. The instinct is in you, which just need a start from your end to put the process in motion for arranging your emotional senses and make them to work in right direction.

After reading this it may resembles to you like a fiction but it functions and transform you from a student to leader of your emotions, just like Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain you could be the pacesetter not only great but one among greatest, you could be the one history maker. A commitment and practice of this endeavor in putting effectively your emotions at work will make history to judge you as wise than other- wise, it is a true affirmation history can be repeated but not deleted.

You can put your emotions at work now because better beginning is half done and no time like the present. Wishing you all the best with luck.

Keep smiling!

Redeem Your Eternal Charm

Mother Teresa redeemed her eternal charm by doing small things, through her life with smile, love and care; this made her immortal.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today. Let us begin.
- Mother Teresa

Today Every person portray himself as strong, potential soft human, This is one side of the face of a person which is external, the other side of your chin is your internal side that is an emotional child living in you and it is redeemed at sometimes in your isolation, sometimes in presence of your beloved mother/father, and sometimes in front of your someone dear (friend/wife/child).the emotional child in your personality, which is your inspirer, your best eternal charm. Nay it is your conscience, which always comes before you in the face of your childhood, which is pure, innocent, and honest. It always tries to correct your endeavors and encourages you to differentiate between moral and wrong and do difference in society.

Imagine how well preserved you where in your childish rendezvous with your emotional being not caring to the worldly crafts in your life and ignorant of all mischievous endeavors that you learned through your growth with life. It is indeed true the other side of your face, your eternal charm also grew with your physical growth, which is your unchanged charm of righteousness. When your physical charm started becoming beautiful not because of your morning beauty, which is going to see one day evening but because of your eternal charm which began blooming and will remain unfading throughout your life. The eternal charm, which is really going to live with you refreshingly, is nothing but your ‘conscience’. She always helps you in preparing and performing the virtuous actions and provoking you at the wrong shoots to regret and reciprocate.

The eternal charm of your conscience always knocks at you regularly to make your eyes, watch the right vision and make your ears to hear pleasant sound and stimulate your mouth to speak sweet words of sugar and make you feel the presence of her timeless charm. How best you look when you are in your babyish nature. How awesome would it be if you remain eternal in the same sweetness of charm, We all desire charm but do we really care to think about something that called eternal charm (conscience) which we inherit that charm, if appropriately compose can glow not only your individual self but the entire society, you know something we are very optimistic in our pretenses, we do -
Redeem Your Eternal Charm

care the conscience and speak, write about it, but about its practice, we put it in concord for our vested strategic benefits. It may not be with all but all may some or the other way resemble with their concreteness of conscience.

One among few, who redeemed the shine of her eternal charm by serving people with smile of her praying lips and executing her worship by serving hands rising above self. was Mother Teresa, an angel in form of woman, who appeared on earth from heaven to take the sufferings of people and provide swift healing to make them feel happy, she extended her blissful love and compassion, which was a call from her conscience, which she followed listening to her with great dedication for the devotion of service and welfare of humanity. There cannot be a fine example than Mother Teresa who redeemed her eternal charm by serving the people in the form of selfless service. Mother Teresa born in Yugoslavia reached India following her dictate of reason, which brought her from cross waters to this spiritual shore of India. She followed her dictate of her reason and found her heavenly home here in India. Mother Teresa brought the unity of India in divinity with love, compassion, and sincerity through spreading smiles and creating the feeling of love and respect in people for the people, she truly lead her life in spreading her eternal charm by seeing and showing the right vision and listening and making the ears to listen harmonious sound and speaking, and teaching to speak sweet words of happiness and harmony. She took the pleasure in making people to realize and resurrect their lost glory of eternal charm in their lives. Thus, she became divine by her great sacrifices, dutiful deeds and with her helping hands, which brought healing and satisfaction to society.

India today in its languid days and lure night outs putting her conscience to sleep and applying the artificial charm to their own self, which is certainly going to see the sunset, but the very important think what needed today in India particularly amongst youth is confession, confessions to their conscience to listen and shine rather speak politically correct under the fade of obliteration. Confession here does not imply you have to confess your ill deeds to yourself but to hear to the right gospel of your conscience, which will spiritually, energized and encouraged you to come out of your stress conflict zone into the paradise of joy, where you will be surrounded by affection consideration, and synchronization. Thus, if these words really make you feel good, than you should follow them to feel gladder.
Mother Teresa felt glad by spreading charm of her conscience into the people; I hope we do not possess that Great Spirit, large amount of sacrifice and indomitable tolerance, as mother possess, because every natural self differs from one to another and saints are rarely born.

Redeem Your Eternal Charm

However, you wish to be content and like to feel glad and redeem your eternal charm, which is difficult but easy to discover. Remember the puzzle is nothing but a wrap insight which needs to unwrap, you will feel pleasure to unwrap it, do it by just following your conscience and live happily, there is no hard and fast rules for this credential to achieve, this can be achieved by simple objective that is make it as your purpose of your life to remain happy and tackle adversity with braveness and follow your conscience every time when it compliment or pricks you, than the eternal charm start fascinating others and you feeling glad.
Believe me to achieve success; you have to make success as your oxygen, which is never defeating eternal truth, Do not put Success as ambition or prediction like just putting words into mouth nevertheless of twisters coming in your way you will certainly find your desired destination. One doubt may creep in your mind if you are following the truth than why twisters in reaching destination. It is because success is not final as life long is never ending learning process you’ll at every step of your life grow, the zenith is something illusion which never come but only the second step before final, equally if you slipped while climbing the steps, it is not fatal or failure that you have slipped or failed, the twisters are cradles which hold you and put you back with powerful energy and courage to walk on truth firmly and stiffly to triumph. hence, count on both and success will count on you most.

Today the eternal charm is in you; you have to be under constant continuity to watch, speak, hear, and feel your charm to evolve and redeem it. You have to realize this glory in your favor in feeling glad and making others to feel pleased by your eternal charm and being charismatic in showing courtesy of your warm.

Wisdom of life please makes it count to persuade it!

“We cannot choose to be born, we cannot choose our parents, we cannot choose our country, and we cannot choose our history.
But in a choice less society, we can choose to live honorably or dishonorably. We can live courageously or in cowardice. We can live with purpose or with adrift. We can live with importance or with triviality.  But in the end, forming a destiny is what ambition is all about and how you achieve and lead towards it”.
Happy beginning in redeeming your eternal charm!

Cosmetic societies

Today we see the bright societies, cosmetic societies, decorated with full of courteous, pleasure, and generosity very little in reality but very excess in super-facility.
The grim face behind this mask is something different and disgraceful.
Maximum number of People possessing everything but still they are searching for something, A very few in the crew achieve what they aspire.
Is comfort only the other name for joy, which everyone aggrieves to receive?

In the society of elite people, we see the shining puff of joys, but there is another face of cries. This is explicable as fear, trauma, isolation and identity crisis. Can we ever find the true face enclose behind this make-up, chances are bright, if only we open our eyes.

Today people should introspect and realize that they are one with the society but not one to the society. They should feel the tears of others into their eyes and perform their best to promote society. This can be the spiritual way for enlightening their hearts and converting the tears into smiles. By making them compatible to the comfort rather than making comfort compatible with them.

Predictions of past for present were very over-ambitious but the future can be empower and harbor by such predictions, If only ethics follow the journey with the companion of time. But today we see it is on the verge of decline before it exists in line.

Dreams are true, but reality has to be brought out of dreams into deeds in making a society a better place to live. Let us bring society out of the mirror and do not give it artificial touches of Compaq and puffs which will glow society for a temporary being but not for ever-lasting.

Remember in the urge to make a mark don’t fade the mark which is already made. Everything cannot be beautiful unless the beholder has the eye for beauty. Societal make-up can give beauty to it but not brains. Reality is indifferent to the truth which needs societies of brain then societies of beauties; let us come together in empowering and recognizing the true picture of society but not cosmetic society.


Looking beyond mirror

The one place where perception matches with reality is mirror. Everyday when we wake-up from our dreams to days and get ourselves decked up by peeping into mirror. Our mirror compliments to our perception of how we wish to be into attraction. But the momentary pleasure of perception differs from reality.

Let us look beyond the mirror, reality as reality but not any assumption, because reality is subsistence in its form where as perception is otherwise. Momentous joy cannot make perception as reality, Where as reality as a joy cannot be acquire in a moment. What we have to categorized is the space between requirement and acquirement which can be gain only through by looking beyond the mirror into reality in its substance but not perception in its style.

Today everybody is sprinting to achieve acquire into their lives without realizing what they require in their life. They are converting their wants into needs judging it by the lights of commercial delights; looking to gather everything for future comfort they do not know what important they are missing is the comfort itself.

Can ever people find themselves aloof from the tug of acquire and require. Certainly if they realize only the essential but not sensational. This can keep the temptation of perception apart without making reality from you depart. If only you try to look beyond the mirror.


A delightful date with precious time

How often we realize pleasure instances of our lives, which give us joy; or Do we really care to enjoy them and their pleasantness happening around us.

Here is a beautiful fable, which I visualize in the shadow of night. I bring it to you especially a delightful date with precious time with enchanting moments and blooming Romanticism.

It was a splendid morning with bright sun, blossoming flowers, colorful climate, and melody from the birds spreading the musical tunes of anxiousness waiting for someone special. The special moment of their patience was rewarded as the beautiful Date appeared with the precious time in the chariot of sky. Their glowing relationship was making the moments of nature more bright and scenery, and they started living the moments of nature, they were complimenting with each other and got sunk in the ocean of each other’s love. They were enjoying every moment. This made the day more delightful with their fragrance.

The beauty of date was so mesmerizing and obsessive; Time has to surrender himself to her charm, and he got completely engrossed in awesome date. Similarly, time was also smart and sober. She too was very involved in the grandeur of time. Looking to this majestic seduction between date and time, it created interruption in the universe as the stars were anxious and moon was jealous to be in their company.

this was a mystique transition taking place between two vibrant couples, who were coming together in oneness to discover the eternal bliss and spread the fumes of happiness in the air.

They were now one in each other symbolizing an epitome of true love, but the demon of love was ugly in preparing dark smoke between this two marvels. Which they cease to care and they were shining in each other but when the demon started applying his magic on the time, the precious time began to slip like sands from the hands of date which made date unconsciousness while she saw her dear departing from her. In the meanwhile A ray of blessing came for time with a gift of wish from the supreme power, Time desired a wish for a promise from date to meet some where the other, once again uniting in a delightful date; the supreme power solicited the wish, time was auspicious where as date was prosperous.

By the time, my eyes got open from shadow of dream to the reality of light. It was 8:30a.m in the watch and 1st of April, in the calendar. It was a salary day and I was late to my office! Anxious

Answer your anger

It is common a phenomenon of human psychology which we experience between each other, the emotion of anger. We get angry in our day-to-day life for some or the other reason. May it be simple or complex? It is one of the affecting sign in our life and we cannot deny it.

Did you ever think why do we get angry? On the other hand, from where anger comes?
Presumably, may not?

Often we get angry when things are not going according to our mind-set. It will disturb our emotions and turn us angry on ourselves, someone other, or poor Alma- mater.
Anger appears as a disturbing question; when we fail, too keep the chronology of expression in a right way like communication, Daily routine etc. Then anger appears in a form of disturbing question and you start feeling uncomfortable and perturbed in your original self.

The answer for controlling your anger, when it appears as a disturbing question is to just answer it. Make yourself involve in answering a few questionnaires like why am I angry? Is it my fault? Is the matter really important to get angry? Sometimes we get angry for missing reason, or our fault will be disappearing, or the matter will be least important but still we burn our blood in anger.
Answering to these questions will solve your problem and it will help you to control your anger and put the chronology of things in an appropriate way.
If you are finding it difficult to find answers to your disturbing question, then no problem here is another healing advice for your rescue, Take a break and get into your favorite hobby whether it may be listening to music, writing dairy, or surfing the net etc. Remember when your mind enter into a displeasure zone of anger than it is necessary to give what it needs, a little re-creational pleasure will easily bring out your disturb mind from the displeasure zone of anger

If you are still looking for a permanent solution to crucify your anger, the writer is writing from his personal experience. There are no free lunches but the writer admire his readers most and here is a Christmas gift for you from Santa Claus and writer, which is permanent and profitable for everyone to make your anger extinct from your lives. All you have to do is just adopt it into your lives. “Develop Patience and preserve it.”
This gift is a mantra by adopting this mantra into your lives, you can answer to your all questions of anger and you will exclusively profit peace.

Resolutions are made to amend but blessed are those who imbibe patience and peace imbibing them. If you believe in yourself, you can answer your anger!

Have you answer you anger?

Colors of life

The best and the most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt within heart.
--Helen Keller

Do you ever conceptualize the above quotation for your lives and endeavor to understand its meaning behind. When you are born, you come with tears and grow through various phases of life; than convert your tears into smiles, and smiles into laugh. As like your life changes your emotions too changes and the colors of life became more vibrant and impressive.

The journey of life can be portrayed in colors, which depicts with contrasting colors of success, failure, joy, sorrow and a Question mark? With a blank.
The last stage of life is very mysterious and important in which few may find the answer for their question mark? And fill up their blank, but majorities of them take their question mark? With them and pass away blank.

Let us try an exercise to identify ourselves with colors of life in the faces of humanity.
The relationship between mirror and human is synonymous to that of heart and soul, which reflects the vigor color of life brightly, where as it seldom shows the ‘real colors’ of life for the eyes which even not desire to watch.

One has to open their eyes to watch the colors of life in the faces of humanity, which pictures hierarchy of emotions; it shows you the real color combination of life. After trying this exercise if you started feeling undignified and interrupted to your inner-self at the beginning and empathy and compassion later then, you are on a right track to find the answer to your question mark? To fill up you’re blank.

The lord almighty has been gracious to his creatures and merciful to human beings in blessing them with their inner-realization to their inner- self. It is up to you to realize your inner- self and enjoy the colors of life.

The colors of life in the faces of humanity always inspire one to do good work for the welfare of those marginalized people; and to transform their dark shades of lives into bright colors. If you wish to make your life more vibrant and colorful with satisfaction of joy, then apply this exercise into your lives.

I have often heard people saying, “My life is so dull and boring, it is not so bright, there is no color in my life, I am living a domestic animal life, and there is nothing to do for me in my life.” These are the busy statements by all those who wishes to do something different in their life but confine themselves only in their wishes rather make an attempt to fulfill their wishes.

I empathize with these people and I know what they actually need. My positive advice to them is to convert your dark negative thoughts into fluorescent refreshing thoughts. This will make your day more colorful and life more meaningful.

Everyone today is searching for the charm in their lives; ‘The enchanting charm.’ let me tell you the precious secret of foot-steps. which will give you, your desired charm, all you have to do is to realize this secret. This is only two foot-steps away from you; to achieve your charm, you have to walk only two foot-steps with commitment, confident, and discipline. In preserving this everlasting charm, you will feel exalted and you will enjoy colors of your life. Once you crossed this two foot-steps you will find the glory of your good-will and illuminating charm to your previous self; before I tell you the secret of two foot-steps. Please take a vow in your heart that you will share this secret, share the joy of your life with others, and serve them for their dignity especially to those deprived section of society who is yet to realize their inner-self.
Be honest to your oath!

The secret of two important foot-steps for achieving enchanting charm in your life are: Integrity in yourself, and Inspiration to others. These are the two foot-steps which will make your life never before as it was, it will add the glowing charm to your life. Believe me; I will assure you 100% charm. This is not for sale.

Integrity in yourself is the first foot-step, Today we come across enormous problems in our lives, because we are ignoble to ourselves and not united in ourselves, Integrity in oneself will lead to growth and prepare you for the realization of your inner-self, when you make yourself one with your actions, your charm starts reflecting in society.

The second valuable foot-step is inspiration to others. Majority of people are so engage about themselves that they have least concern for their neighbor. This is enslaving them into their own limited scope of life and we are unable to find ideals to show the direction and inspire the young feet’s to follow the ethical foot-prints. Today we find the number of role models less in person but more in motion fiction and non-fiction.

The distance of crossing two foot-steps is just two foot-steps far away but remember before you cross this two foot-steps. Do not integrate yourselves only for the sake of charm but also integrate yourself and ignite others for the sake of better future to society.

Remember the journey of life is too long as the famous poet says
The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before, I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.

Nevertheless, I have crossed my one-step and started realizing the colors of life in faces of humanity; You can be one step ahead of me by quickly crossing both the two foot-steps. Than what are you waiting for?
The colorful charm of life is just two foot steps away form you,
Open your eyes and walk your two foot-steps…!

Wish you all the best.

Conflicting Ideas

STATUTORY NOTE: An idea can change your life, so do not just study this chapter but understand the treasure in it.

A person always tries to be distinct from others and stay ahead in his own style. He wishes to get recognized by his individuality with his ideas, and often he endeavor to do best by thinking differently.

In the exercise of one’s reasoning, it is very difficult to prove one’s idea into ideological convictions. Which intermediates contradiction between ideas turning into conflicts in proving convictions of individuality, You may think in one direction or have an idea to do a such and such thing, but you’re thinking sometimes find cross-roads and before you take action on your particular idea another idea may creep into your mind stopping you to go ahead. It will put before you obstacles of questions and you will be landed in dilemma to act on your previous idea or stay with your direction.

This happens because lack of belief in oneself, which will depart you from your original idea which you thought of it. It makes you unable to act or take risk on your idea and transform it into action. These transits we often come across in our life. There comes a conflict in every idea before we think and take a decision on any particular matter. It may be you’re looking for an insurance cover or planning to buy a home, or any other material shopping etc. We think twice or thrice some time succeeds or some times fails.

The regular conflict between ideas takes place because the writer believes large numbers of people are imbued in advices of others rather than wise in self. Everyone is bound to allow him or her to consult others before going to perform a minuscule level of activity with their friend, sister, or neighbor. It indeed makes them as enquiry making personality and corrupts their self-decision making capacity.

The writer is sharing with you his principle formula how to compliment with your ideas and avoid conflict among them. He is confident that his adorable readers can profit from his formula.

“Take one step at a time, when you are thinking with one particular idea, let not the other ideas to infringe the previous one and jeopardize a meaningful thought.”
It is necessary for you to put your priority of idea in a just and wise court by thinking it on a right note. Have strong belief in yourself and in your actions before you perform it. Think it and thank it so that there should be no regret for you and your decision.

Let me tell you a small story of two friends; Philip and Jones both were close friends with same physical built but different in their mental in built. Philip challenged one day to Jones to participate in a cow-boy bulls’ race; Philip was sure in himself how to accomplish his task, as his mental in built was strong than Jones, Jones accepted the challenge but he was not sure how to achieve his task. He studied the secret skills of Philip and started practicing on it to make him perfect. Looking to the changes in Jones, Philip was little perturbed and moved to his friends to test about his skills, he went to his friends to examine his natural self before them and everyone gave him pool of ideas to win. This landed him in a state of pandemonium. Jones was rapidly acquainting himself with skills to win the cowboy bulls’ race.

On the race day, Philip left all his borrowed ideas into waste-bin and came to participate in race as prepared with great confidence and discipline, where as Jones also came with confidence and prepared with integrated enthusiasm to win the race. In the mean time a communication took place near cross-road beside starting point for which Jones lend his ears and remain ear struck; There were two person’s having conversation between them about cow-boy bulls’ race as they were only mere spectators who articulated their words in the tone of experts. Jones followed to their tone and guesses what he lost his race to Philip.

Philip achieved success because he believed in himself though he got little confused but he did not lost his confidence and remain firm to his skills. At the time of race he did not experimented with him from borrowed opinions’. He worked on his own skills and his profound belief in him brought him out from his time of pressures.

Where as what went wrong with Jones? Let me leave it to your wisdom to draw conclusion; but before that I am here tempt to give you a piece of advice; you can share your expert ideas for Jones to win the next year’s challenge by Philip in cowboy bulls’ race. If you get the conclusion right; Please make it count to inform the writer because the writer is still anxious to realize why Jones lost the race?

Thinking of an idea is good,
But thinking of too many ideas will lead to conflicting of ideas.

Believe in yourself and keep thinking.


Iam different, Are you?
Exclusively for those who are different…

Let me tell you an old title which everybody wishes to attribute to him or her, but does not suit to everyone i.e. “I am different.” Yes I am different I just do not say that but I mean it. Because Iam different, believe me, Iam unveiling before you, how different I am from others. Iam different in my substance not style, It is the substance that remains perpetual but not style, which goes on changing. My secret of being different lies in my ears, as I possess precious and musical ears Oops, what is this? Ears, you might be giggling and thinking as the writer is joking. Surely not, I will tell you about this. Before that let me pull a little string of your heart, did you aspire to be different from others? If Yes, than this is perfect material for you, but do not forget to send a “thank you note”. To writer as your demeanor will be different from others, after reading this candid stuff.

Precious ears, which are one of the important organs of human body, but many human beings, do not realize its potential; they think that ears have only a one-way function to perform i.e. ‘just listening’. If you belong to the same thinking community than I am afraid, you are in the wrong shoes. Ears do not just listen but they also do the network process of sharing, creating energy and performing action. They are very precious in your growth, do you remember in your school days when your schoolteacher used to sing melodious jingles for you and how soothing it was to you. This experience was in result because of your ears. Are you Still in doubt, how ears can create energy. That is the difference of substance, Most of us do not realize the value of what we actually have and explore ourselves in search to achieve what we already possess. Are you finding it interesting? Yes, human energy can be created through ears but to discover this you have to keep your ears active and add one more element to it that is the element of patience, note down the formula “Ears + patience = energy”.

Have you concentrated that you usually lend your ears to the thoughts of others, this is not bad but how particularly you lend your ears to hear yourself. When your intuition is saying something precisely at that crucial time, most of you keep your ears shut down and patience busy. How can you expect your intuition to knock at you with noble thoughts and gift of energy? When you are not in yourself; Make it count to spend few clock sticks for yourself, when you wake up in the morning, lend your ears to hear yourself, your intuition with little patience to learn the wisdom and unwrap the gift of energy, I ascertain you, you will rejoice the day if you experiment with this. In addition, if you apply this formula into your lives as a routine then you will rejoice the LIFE.
Yes, I mean it. Or else I will be indebt to you for a cup coffee at my pleasure.

Iam optimistic about you, because you are different and reading my story of I am different with great concentration and I am trying to prove you, how energy can be discover by lending and pampering your ears to yourself. How often you gave attention to your ears. Rarely, pampering your ears mean in generalization how to keep your ears alarm, Iam not going to suggest you any E.N.T specialist for pampering. If you pamper your ears carefully, you can produce excess energy. This is simple you may pamper them by feeding melodious music; alike your tummy, your precious ears too require a tonic for their network process; you could feed them with melodious music. Yes, melodious music is the right dose for your ears, which will ignite in you vitality, and make you charged up. You feed your ears with some melodious, lively, soothing music. This enhances their performance without affecting any viruses, and develops your intuition
With large reservoir of energy.
Are you thinking of which music will serve your purpose best? Remember Music has no barriers but if you ask my opinion then Indian Classical music is one of the best choices, which carries soulful ingredients for your ears with its rich instrumental tunes with special vocal recitations. This makes your ears not only to discover energy but also install in you acute concentration with profound peace. Just you have to involve your interest in it and it will evolve you, your desire the title of being ‘different.’ And productively efficient.

There is another magical principle for being different, this I exclusively share with everyone who wishes to be different, and it makes you different from others only if you imbibe this principle into your lives. Certainly, you will be different

It is not that being different is a projection before others but being different to self is itself makes you different from others, you are quite unique in yourself and you can be different only when you look, hear, and feel towards you and realize your basic instinct. This is a small attempt to make you hear your inner voice. When you start realizing that, you are the best in yourself. You are different from others!

In spite of this magical principle, you have learned but still you are one and it is Human tendency to more-over retrospect than to introspect. Hence, you should follow the prior formula with exercise advised by writer until you are wise than otherwise different in your lives.

I trust my different words may change your perception maximum or minimum;
I will leave it to your intelligentsia to judge.
However, If that happens or not;
Iam different, and I will be will be waiting for your
THANK YOU NOTE; do send in…

Being self is being different!

God’s good humor

Overtime when I think of god’s good humor, i.e. life I ask a question to myself what is life. A journey, humor, myth or reality, though my thoughts ponder yet my curiosity remain thirsty.

The Society is composed of different culture, faith, and paradigms. So much of diversity among human creatures but it is yet one big global family. Human beings have understood life in different meanings such as sainthood, challenge, goal etc. Everyone among in the society have symbolizes themselves with the one or the other meaning above in their lives. The need of hour is not just to interpret the meaning of life but also understand its true purpose. Is life represents only performance of one’s own domestic activities or it is something else more than that?

I suppose everyone has his or her own say about defining life. Life is this, or life is that and so on but when it comes to asking them about the purpose of life, they may fumble a little but anyhow I believe everyone is correct in his or her definitions because they are expressing only one part of the humor, which literary everyone has understood according to their intelligentsia. Nevertheless, there are voices that are different and rare but they make their count with their optimism, creativity, spontaneous attitude and above all empathy which makes for them Gods’ good humor i.e. life most beautiful and enchanting. However, in today’s fast moving era we do not have a little time to relax, reason and realize the eternal beauty of life, we are running at a rapid speed from the endearing spirit of life in the materialistic route without any spiritual cover-up to reach the destination of artificial pleasure. This we have mistaken it as real happiness of life.

The real happiness of life does not lie in artificial pleasure, but it can be gain through ethical and spiritual means. One can achieve Happiness by sharing happiness with others for the goodness of life but not for the greatness of self, which is the real end to your right means. Helping hands are holier then praying lips, hands those help the needy will multiply happiness into their account of lives. This is everyone’s social responsibility, looking it has a mere an activity is a misnomer. It is not the desire to do a big thing in a big way that matters but a small deed also can be perform in a big way only the quest to do make the real difference. Remember it is the taste of fruit which is important than its size.

Unfortunately today we are at crossroads and not been able to identify our own self and a role model for us. The marathon for superiority has created the crossroads, today we are in race to prove ourselves against others forgiving our ancient wisdom that there is nothing noble about being superior; the true nobility is in being superior to your previous self. It is indeed true that such superiority to your previous self will help you in harmonizing happiness among human hearts and takes you to the real destination of life.

Today most of we people at this hour living in our caves of prejudices and are in attraction to our superficial modern thoughts without having any purpose in our lives, which may drastically lead us to devastation than to any meaningful destination. Before it get too late I invite everyone to come out of their caves and integrate and inspire others to understand the true purpose of life and share the real happiness before happiness get diverged into woods, let us ignite ourselves in dreaming and sharing the goal of real happiness. Let us strive to realize our social responsibilities in our lives and do not let God down in exploring the meaning and understanding the true purpose of his good humor.

Long live God’s good humor!


Compliment your life

Have you complimented your life?

Everyone live his/her life as per his/her own convictions, it is once own discretion to decide what we have to do and don’ts in our life. According to these, we evolve or imbibe set of principles for our life, which we preach and practice it as ethics. based on this we develop our likes and dislike’s such as one may like ‘strawberries’; there is no hard and fast rule that once like should match with everyone, there may be others who like ‘vanilla’ some times our match may matches and most of times mismatches. Remember two ford cars can be similar but not two human beings but we constantly try to experiment our matches with the mismatches of others. It is the Common phenomenon from the science of zodiac signs.

This is how we lead our lives; adding stuffs, as we want naturally…!

Take a break from your conviction, just imagine…
If you like it, if it matches you, then compliments your life with it or else mismatch with it.

Life, which is maneuvering everyday with your ethos asking a compliment from you, have you done with it? Yes, I have complimented it, by shopping branded designer’s clothes, wearing, hanging, doing lot of (parties) mauj, masti, maza, doing seasonal prayers, when there is no money remembering god’s many…..
No my dear friend this is not the real compliment which life expects from you neither in the form of materialistic ingredients nor spiritual superficiality, she desires something different from you ‘yes different’ which will make your life [rejoice] with you.

”””A real compliment to your precious life”””
Real compliment, what it could be?

A real compliment to your life is a commitment with your life. ‘A Commitment’ (yup)... please do not mistake commitment with general perception i.e. the writer is spelling to bind you in some vow, suggest you to renounce the world, or asking you to do things beyond your imagination. The writer has no such inclinations; it is more than accomplishing your aspirations. Than what sort of commitment? Being present Regular at holy monuments such as, church, temple, mosques, or avoiding the real fun excuse me! Nobody desire nor they have the time for such regular commitments except on festive occasions or crisis situations to walk on the ramp pavement of holy monuments, today commonly everyone feel that I am still very young to make any commitment, I am very busy, I have plenty of other things to do, and I am just married.

Nay my friend Remember life slips like sand from your hand, you play in your childish creations and within no time step in your teenage infatuations.
Before I tell you the real commitment to your life, I am here little tempted to answer the above rotating questions into your mind.

Remember, it is never too early or late for a good thought, which is thought and brought into action. Hence, these famous lines may bring little difference in your paradigm, if it is general like others.

“Umarae daraz is jahan mein mang ke laye the char din; Do arzoo mein nikal Gaye Do intezar mein”

“It goes in this way; I brought the span of my life in this world for four days; out of that two, had passed in desire and two in expectations for the future”. You cannot measure the length of your life, before your life become limited, compliment your life and expand yourself with the light of life. Than only people will say you are very complimenting, do not give them chance to compliment that you were very complimenting.

I am certainly an optimistic; nevertheless, I believe you too and you are different from others so your commitment should also be different. You can compliment your life, if you make a commitment in your life. The writer is honest in his commitment to motivate you for complimenting your life. One can compliment his/her life by making a commitment, which all the great personalities from history committed to compliment their lives, and the present stand as witness accompanied by future to judge these personalities who made such a valuable commitment in their lives which is as follows
“Enlightening thyself”. Yes trust, the writer is not joking, it is not a philosophical commitment, which aspires from you celibacy or spinsterhood to adopt but to compliment to your life. It is a commitment with one to one owns self.

One question which is synonymously everyone ask to once own self at some stage of his/her life i.e. who am I? It is difficult to find answer to this question However; one can certainly manage to discover what is special in me. You may go in depth to research about concepts like God, birth, and death and may find different theories, which may be very sophisticated drawing out with diversified conclusion but those conclusions may gallop maximum chunk of your life. However, to realize your instinct that hidden quality in you, it may invariably be not too time consuming and hard comparatively to the former. It is important for you to know for you what is special store in you, rather looking at what stores in others special. ‘A meaningful commitment’, When great personalities who realized this they became greatest. They complimented their life with this commitment and possessed it through their entire life, which was not because of any external miracles, but it was from their internal enlightenment with pleasure in which they performed their deeds, which they desire, if not in a bigger banner, they did it in a smaller manner, which grew their small ones into big tons

One has to understand “Desires can be fulfilled only when deeds are performed”. Small deeds are better than big words. The commitment to enlightening thyself will ignite the hidden inner instinct in you and illuminate your life with your warm compliment, which will expose to you to your unique qualities and bring many distinctions, one of which is ‘the perfectionist’, ‘different’ etc don’t you desire to reckon yourself with these entitles. Once you compliment your life with commitment, you can make others to know who you are, what is the secret behind your complimenting persona?

Therefore, what are you waiting for...? Do not lead your life in compose but compliment your life with commitment by enlightening self and enlightening others.
Where you perform your deeds with commitment, ‘you will rejoice with your life.”

“The real commitment to compliment your life is simple: Realize your inner self have vision in your mission with a social concern. In addition than it will be a commitment for your life to compliment you”.

Remember, life gives everyone one chance to rise, because special occasion from her does not often arise make a commitment to compliment your life to be great before you are late…

You can be the exclusively one to realize and compliment your life;
She too is waiting for someone: is it you!



It is very interesting to read the caption above drawing the connectivity between religion and peace. Which every faith like to associate with the word peace and attribute their religion. Religions with peace are synonymous to the tenets prescribed, practiced, and preached by them. The only thing is that people following any particular faith have to identify with the basic objective in their way of living with the word peace.

The basic objective of living lives for everyone is coming from different religious faith is to live in peace for self and others. Religion shows direction to the followers to lead the lives in a right and moral way to achieve the destination of lives. Nevertheless, off late people misses the direction and deviate to the wrong tracks and bring suffering to self and others taking the wrong direction as the right path shown by the religion, which is a sheer mistake to attribute religion as a symbol of sanctions for their unwarranted actions and putting hurdles for the very core objective of religion i.e. ‘peace’.

Religion is a very comprehensively defines the ethics to lead the good life with others and inspire others to adhere to live for others in a very impeccable and constructive manner, to realize and reach to the divinity of religion which is nothing else but peace.

Peace is the hallmark of every religion, so as every human being; spiritual chisel ignites a person to identify him or herself and follows his /her faith to achieve peace, which is a goal of life. Today the credential of religion is in under current crisis, due to forces trying to divide these two synonymous viz. religion and peace. We after embracing the religion of peace giving space to these forces to devastate our self by injuring our peace, our religion. We can never live in peace unless we let others to live in peace.
It is very hard to explain than easy to understand. Peace is nothing but a universal religion in itself for which we all are belonging as global members of global family. Our religion is peace, it has prescribed on us to practiced and preach peace among society.

To encapsulate the relationship between religion and peace is some thing that of water and taste, wherever you go and drink the water, water never changes its taste unless you add any substance to it either to get a sweet taste or bitter one.
It is up to you to understand the religion and peace in a liquid form is like water, and how you wish to consume it, to get a sweet or bitter taste is discretion of your tongue.

You can share your sweet experiences with me.

Emotions of love

This could be your story?

Love is a beautiful experience in everyone lives, attraction knocking to the eyes, intriguing into heart with liking than heart beating the retreat with love to someone who is charming, beautiful most pleasant than others no one so important than her or him. Singing the love hymn!

Everyone once in his or her lives come across to this beautiful feeling what we call as love, we desire to be loved by some one whom we like, always, we wish to be always in his/her company, talks on subjects, spend time around, eat together, exchange gifts, understanding not to spilt, Sharing, caring, making her/him to laugh, getting joy by making her/him happy doing things, which he/she likes and avoid mentioning or doing acts which he/she dislike. We always look for an opportunity to impress him/her searching space to enter in him/her house, be always ready for giving treat, bunking classes, chatting in cafes and phones/sms, running movies, giving chocolates and ice creams, developing confidence to Purpose, dreaming for making him/her as spouse

Are you excited reading the above emotions of love nay than you are in a need for a Dr. Love, or civil hospital? Everyone in civil society will identify him/her with the mantra and kiryas of love for pleasure, pride and perpetuity. Love is a special feeling, which has touched everyone’s heart in one, or the other way; for a teenager love is in the eyes of a girl, for a painter love is in the colors, for a musician love is in the melody of tunes, for a writer love is in the words. Love has a broader meaning to not only to feel the emotion of love but also to reach the realization of it. We cannot escape from the emotion of love. This is a special feeling, which is above all constraints; the eternal element is pure love only love.

Let me vibe the strings of your heart just imagine to yourself have you been touched by love or had you felt this special feeling of love or special emotion of love, that has kept you wake in the nights making your finger exercising in mobile exporting and importing SMS, writing poetic mails, never feeling hungry, not interested in anything else than but only one thing that to think of love only love… oops’ are you getting engrossed in your imagination, no matter but be honest to yourself in answering did you got crushes or you really been able to feel love or search to find love in one or the other.

Emotion of love is a feeling of energetic excitement, which stimulates the energy of each individual to prove one for the other to do best, to rise in the eyes and excel. It is a destined endeavor to feel the emotion of love and succeed, not everyone will achieve the desire but there are some who steadfast to their commitments and commemorate their love; hence when someone desire love; love desire destiny, in most of cases many walk together but depart in mid-way landing with companions of circumstances, they become more dead than alive neither expressed themselves nor make attempt to understands others.

Everyone’s life is a privilege to love, love with your heart to embrace the love of others to you, all you have to do his to feel the emotion of love not for just love but for commitment to fulfill that love to self and to the beloved.

Love someone in your life, as your life is a journey long so make your will strong and have a companion along.

May god bless you the emotion of love!


The nation India is also known as bharat, we also called it as Hindustan. India has gone under great transformation, with a growth-oriented perspective in the multi-cultural society with a high speed. During the transformation from bharat to India; India has shine but the light of that shinning has been primarily focused to urban oriented territories with especial emphasis to PSU’S It has been single mode mission with a goal to run the bull of G.D.P. for economic prosperity in the nation.

India Since from when it has started to import international policies, it has at the same time exported its national foreign policy. The climate change in the economy has been very helpful in the growth of the one face of Indian economy whereas the other is suffering from pathetic disorder. Means without having any ends.

The Indian economy is shining and suffering with two faces one to cheer another to cry which is to deceit, cheer, before global community, India is powerful empowered with potential in areas like information technology, biotechnology etc.; deceit to our own conscience with Indian democracy, people and the world community.

The shinning face of Indian economy is due to because of private direct investment with boom in industrialization in social empowered zones with blessings of compromising ideologies from our political parties. India has been always victim because for the vested interested of representative parties, which has narrowed down its growth in compartment.

The private industrial revolution has been on the cost of public devastation especially the rural based with their primary occupation which is agriculture an sustainable resource in Indian economy, it is the other face of India which is in a condition of a sleeping beauty for which artificial puffs are given in the name of travesty episodes of agricultural assurances and workshops.

India is externally tall where as it is internally small, this gulf is because of the great importance given by the government policies and personalities for foreign direct investment with profound encouragement for urban-industrialization and showing a stepmother eye to the rural areas and neglecting their source of living i.e. agriculture

The sorry state of condition is that Indian society has become opinion driven society in today’s electronic bite’s age where money purchases the opinion and creates sensationalism; this is projecting the false picture as true picture of society, the broadcasting services probity has been dwindling and their sarcastic attitude has still worsened the situation.

Agriculture and industrialization can go in a harmonious way, if only they are maneuvered properly by giving equal importance and not exploited because of the vote lifeline. Industrialization and agriculture both has a common objective of production and market in the interest for make people live and feel good, hence putting all the things in one basket will spoil the eggs.


Career and north Karnataka

North Karnataka is an important part in the Karnataka province; the part has not acclaimed much of importance due to the negligent attitude of people and their representatives, but the historical significance of north Karnataka has reached to the world with splendid historical art, architectural monuments, such as Gol-Gumbaz at Bijapur, jamia mosque at Gulbarga and many such other miraculous wonders portraying the splendor of north Karnataka and different dynasties who ruled here. The monuments are the real pride of north Karnataka that is emulating with local culture and picturing a cosmopolitan identity to a person belonging in north-Karnataka. However, the world has come to the north Karnataka but still people belonging to north Karnataka has to go the world. Education has not been special in north Karnataka, which is a useful means for rightful ends to have an occupation for a person’s life, which we called as a ‘career’. Education has been in a very sorry state of condition in north-Karnataka walking in a snail speed, education has been otherwise than the wise to the student’s community more over a commercial activity than a social endeavor. It has been subject to the prejudicial ideology of parents and commercial mindset of the preachers and promoters and lack of interest from the stakeholders.

It will be no exaggeration to say thinking of a career in north Karnataka until yesterday was an illusion affirming that glittering sand as water in the desert. Because north Karnataka has not been very productive region to be prosperous with the large-scale industrialization in the name of large scale industrialization north Karnataka has very little to take pride of cement industries, and paper industries and sick sugar industries which are on the mercy of government policies with some skinny small scale industries but nevertheless of adversities geographically remote and detached circumstance opportunities have blossom in different career avenues at north Karnataka thanks to L.P.G (Liberalization, privatization, globalization) boom, which has made career,’s to occupy in people’s lives with a modern outlook in north Karnataka has witnessed this transformation because of young minds emerging with ideas and expanding their knowledge by thinking globally and acting locally with a patriotism to develop and make proud their own place had put north Karnataka into the gear of development, the young ideas have also given push to the government machinery to tighten their laces and march fast in empowering north Karnataka and making it prosperous, today north Karnataka is striving to achieve the long term plans by accomplishing their short term goals. The divisional headquarter of Gulbarga, which is a centre place in north Karnataka has been doing a commendable job in heralding about changes in the world and inspiring the other sub-parts of north Karnataka and leading the way from the front in putting things on a track.

Careers in north Karnataka can be categorized into two kind’s viz-conventional careers, and modern careers. Conventional careers: Conventional careers in north Karnataka. Conventional or traditional careers are those, which are been chosen and studied from past without any basic experimentation in a focused methodology such as medicine, engineering, humanities. It is a irony to note the conventional career’s which are supposed to stay back at home and serve the home have been getting exported to serve the other homes at other places rather our own home and the modern career ‘s getting imported to serve the purpose. Nevertheless, unusual few are really committed to the society and rendering yeomen service to society. The traditional careers in north Karnataka are Doctor, teacher, industrialist (handling family business)lawyer, transportation service self-entrepreneur, and if you are lucky government servant etc.

Modern careers: Modern careers have thronged a new energetic wave, which has brought a glamorous change in the north Karnataka. North Karnataka has been a hub of opportunities for students’ to take up a modern occupation in north Karnataka. Modern career no doubt they appear to be trendy modern but intimately they are associate with day-to-day activities of north Karnataka and if any student seriously taking it, working hard on it, then he will certainly prosper. the modern career which have enrooted north Karnataka are B.P.O’s Wedding Planner, Sales product manager, Event manager, domestic service executives, financial consultant, tourism executive manager, public relations officer, Computer application executive (hardware & software), communication and personality resource person, cyber manager, mobile technician etc.

Every one of us are very much aware of conventional careers and its functions and implications but modern careers are a little bit newly weeded concept to north Karnataka as it would be difficult to explain the entire careers but let me introduce you one among the equal ‘Tourism executive manager’ (career in tourism) it is a real fact career in tourism has good handsome pay-packets as well as better growth perspective. As in the beginning in the introduction, I put before you the historical and rich monumental significance of north Karnataka, in north Karnataka you will find many beautiful and curious places where people love to visit once in their lifetime to understand the history and explore the mystery. It is the job of the tourism executive to give them service for their wish arrange for every thing in transporting their dream place towards destination.

The entire conventional and modern career’s has one similarity between them i.e. to earn good money only the objective differs some is opted for glamour, some is opted for service. However, more importantly what hast to be remember before choosing a whether conventional or a modern career is the ‘job satisfaction’ in from wherever part of Karnataka you are or whichever part province of India you desire to serve.

Make sure you plan your career appropriately and achieve it, but may God bless you in finding the right career by choice but not by chance!

Readers are wel-come to contribute their conventional criticism and modern compliments with heart and mind to the writer’s mail, it will be considered with an objective to for improvisation
