Tuesday, August 21, 2007


God has bestowed upon all of us one common gift i.e. in the form of emotions, emotions that is a basic feature of human life; we all possess, interact, and exchange emotions with each other in our mutual acts and activities.

Emotions at work will make history to judge,
You as wise than other wise

The emotions are just like colors, they are common in nature but they may differ in their versatility from application of one individual to another. These emotions are love, happiness, sorrow, fear, anger, etc. they are interwoven into our lives, which are also signs of our thinking civilized identity. No matter whom you are where you are whether you are from royal community or common society, literate or less literate. The sequence of emotions is present in everyone personifying their persona in the society.

However, these emotions are a guiding force in inspiring and empowering our lives by appropriately understanding them and putting them to work, right one at the right time we can move in the direction of growth, nevertheless to grow in our lives we have to properly institutionalize reasoning of our emotions and put them at work, this look like a difficult task but not an impossible one for determined.

Emotions at work

Our emotions are universal and broad, it is difficult to compartmentalize them, and thus one should learn to understand his/her emotions by sheer observation in personal self and in others.

A famous illustration of one such great personality, who has merit to his traits of conquering his emotions and exemplifying his personality and explaining the multiple shades of emotions to the world with his art of expression and making emotions to work for himself in particular and the world in general.

He is nonetheless ‘Sir Charles (Charlie) Chaplain’ the famous name that is not unfamiliar to anyone in the world. A great living legend of all times, you have seen him in his impeccable art of portraying emotions of humor, and tragedies through his great talent of expression, energy and spirit. We have laughed at him in his happiest moments and cried at his sad depiction, which were the outcome of his emotional expression, his true representation of his own emotions that put life into every character.

The character, which everyone has, come across of Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain, is the mask on his face, which entertained us by giving his best. However, there is an inner face behind the mask of Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain, which is the inspiration to the mask for its flawless performances that pleased us every time. Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain was the great leader of emotions who had learned the art of expression of different emotions by realizing his emotional senses and transformed them into his appearances before his beloved audiences, and received applauds, by putting the right emotion at the right time;
How Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain did this magical exertion? This great feat was the result by chiseling to his instinct and keeping him in continuous and consistent alarm, constant practice of observation of his emotional occurrences within himself and his surroundings, thus adding all these to his individual personality, he set his emotions at work and the civil society started enjoying every change of curve in his emotion.

The graceful relationship he shared between his emotions and expressions which later inspired and popularized the celebrated art form entitled ‘mime’ he made himself not only great in the chapters of history but still today he remains has greatest.

Once Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain has said that, “I always like to walk in the rain as no one can see me crying”. That is how Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain has learned to master his emotions not only to put them at work but also control them”.

Emotions at work

Our emotions speak our personality, our character, attitude, intelligence. It is said not only the intelligent quotient is important but also emotional quotient plays a vital part in describing your previous self. These emotions are not in perpetuity but changing accordingly to the law of nature with your age. Therefore, you have to put your emotions at work and change as per their emergent. A particular emotion of joy may give you certain immunity for its expression at your certain age and time but the same will vary into otherwise with your personal growth.

One hilarious example, As in a footsteps of child you take the liberty of expressing your emotion of joy by kissing to everyone, even you may kiss to a stranger or anyone, even a stranger may kiss you but when you enter into your teen hood, the same expression of your emotion of joy may cause you embracement and leads to nuisance and punishment. Thus, be conscious do not try your expression of emotions without reasoning and keep emotions away from experimentation.

One can also acquire the realization of Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain by igniting to his/her instinct and realizing senses of your emotions and becoming leaders of your emotions by putting them on work as in the same way as Sir Charles
(Charlie) chaplain did for his graceful personality.

The first and the foremost thing you have to do is to recognize, treasure and follow the three magic pearls of wisdom in becoming leaders of your emotions these are love, speak, and observe.

The first magic pearl is “love”. Loving your emotions is important because love is the wonderful emotion of human life, which creates purpose and put humans at work. Thus, you have to love your emotions, emotion of love creates the magic of inspiration to empower and grow yourself.

Second magic pearl is “speaking with yourself” i.e. your emotions. Speaking to your emotional self is vital for the understanding and distinguishing between them. (Putting yourself before mirror and speaking is an advantage). The careless thing, what we do in our lives, we give more stress to know the outer self (outer world) and we give less importance to know our inner self (inner world) if you are known to others and unknown to yourself, this is something like honey without sweet. Hence, it is necessary you should know about yourself, your emotions by communicating them and regularly speaking to yourself and spreading the magical moments into memories of your and others.

Emotions at work

Look at this way; how to speak to our own self, think you are not comfortable for some reason with yourself and getting perturbed and messy with others take a little time out try to take a zoom view what is that reason which is making you uncomfortable? Is that important for you to get disconcerted, Trust the truth, you will see the miracle, you yourself will be witness, how you solved your problem by speaking to your own self (i.e. emotions).

The same testimony can be applied to control your anger, by going to the root of the problem through speaking to yourself.

The third magical pearl, which is the most vital, is to “observe”. Observation of your emotions equally, emotions of others such as parents, relatives, friends etc will strengthen your emotional quotient. The emotions are inheritance and interlinked in you in force, some times they are natural, sometimes they take the shape through provocative lift (by some one else). For example Love and anger. Observation of your emotions develops an intimacy of soundness between you and your emotions and gives you a hold to handle them and earn you magic of prize on the word of your choice.

The emotions are not confined to the cultural forms and performances like dance, music, acting and art forms but they are present in our day to day behavioral proceedings of our lives, The upcoming of emotions is inevitable, our emotions can be characterized as positive and negative emotions, positive emotions are natural emotions, which rarely harms but negative emotions can really be disastrous, it is very important for everyone to learn to control your negative emotions, this can be achieved by following the wisdom of three magical pearls as stated above (love, speak, and observe) however sometime the wave of negative emotion is powered very strong, in such circumstance follow this following:

Simple exercise: To control your negative emotion try to find the alternative to defeat your negative emotion which is disturbing you, by involving yourself in your favourite activity like reading, listening to music, or writing or any one of your interest, if you are unsuccessful to find it than just take a break and forget the scene which has risen your negative emotion in you and take walk into imagination world not related to that particular act you were doing, this will deviate your concentration from your negative emotion and it may cease to exist, but please come back form the world of imagination into actuality with other promising emotions waiting for your arrival, after coming back try to collect the beautiful blooming emotions which you brought from the walk of imagination and put them to work for you in heralding fragrance of your good self to all and all to you. If still your negative emotions are haunting you and out of your control, than please do not make delay and hurry to some medical experts you are really in need of medical treatment.

Emotions at work

Life is like a mirror and emotions are image-forming shape in it, it is up to your reckoning how you desire to reflect it at you, they say the beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, take a pick to differentiate the reality from superficiality. The instinct is in you, which just need a start from your end to put the process in motion for arranging your emotional senses and make them to work in right direction.

After reading this it may resembles to you like a fiction but it functions and transform you from a student to leader of your emotions, just like Sir Charles (Charlie) chaplain you could be the pacesetter not only great but one among greatest, you could be the one history maker. A commitment and practice of this endeavor in putting effectively your emotions at work will make history to judge you as wise than other- wise, it is a true affirmation history can be repeated but not deleted.

You can put your emotions at work now because better beginning is half done and no time like the present. Wishing you all the best with luck.

Keep smiling!


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