Monday, February 4, 2008

Payar ke liye ap ko chaiye bus thoda sa gyan.

Light bulbs
Originally uploaded by Alastair Bird
The fascinating emotion created by god is the feeling of love. it is the amplitude of the feeling that anyone who learn, hear, watch, or feel the four coherent word ‘Love’. he/she gets titillated to the sensation of joy, and imagination. The most beautiful phase in life is when you start realizing the feeling of love; this awakening will invigorate and inspire in you to achieve accomplishments with a beautiful motivation. The awakening of love is a splash of golden period in your life.

When you enjoy this golden time you try to treasure every moments you live and badge yourself with different identities engrossing your self and your feeling for someone. The wonderful feeling of love has widely been the subject of two schools of thought one marvel in poetic verses another alarm it as nothing but infatuation to the time being than time long. The later school of thought which is a caution sign irrespective of it, yet the former school always produce miracles and vibrant results of love by preaching captivating emotion of god. It is for both the schools mystery about the real meaning for what is love? Have you ever bother to give a thought to the question or you are one among the blind followers of love. Remember it is the true introspection which will built your intuition. Did you start realizing love or you are still in your naps, give a chisel to question it, what is this mystic feeling named as ‘Love’

What is love? Are you thinking iam going to give you the answer, let me make you aware, even I am mysterious to this question but let me share my thoughts with you; everyone interpret love according to their intelligentsia, it is one’s intelligent+emotional quotient which has categorized this small words into large definitions. I for one think love as a ‘compliment’ is this right answer god better knows, but there are also enigmatic, selfless, creative answers in the dictionary of minds for Love, some feel love is an aspiration, passion, destination, etc, everybody is allowed to have their opinion as love can be put into various definitions such as in ambition, compassion, romanticism, spiritualism, accomplishments and so on but the essence of one word that ropes all the different interpretations into one umbrella that I am of the opinion is compliment which one do to another; mothers’ compassion, wife’s attachment, priest devotion etc. these are some of the different nomenclatures amalgamated which speaks one language of love and compliment to, for, with each other.

After this short gayan now let me come to vigyan are you in love? you may get little bemused why I used the word vigyan and asked you this question remember the definition of science - a systematic Endeavour, so while experiencing love you feel yourself more systematic and nothing less than perfectionist and perform every endeavour for your love to live every anxious moments of your life.

I anticipate respecting your privacy there is someone special in your life for whom you have acknowledged or you yet to figure out, take a note don’t get Jealous or disheartened on your friends success, its reciprocal if you are in waiting for some one than someone is also waiting for You.

The Woods are lovely dark and deep
Promises are many to keep
And miles to go before you sleep
But before you go miles away take love as your companion for life!
Give life a chance don’t let yourself dry, make a try for your Adam or eve from heaven or pray to omens!

Love Anxious

1 comment:

anuradha said...

hmm quite interesting