Saturday, March 7, 2009

Symbol of change

Women symbolizing change as she is most compassionate and complimentary human being on our earth who civilized the society shower her compassion and complement different roles at different times. From ancient to medieval and now to modern times women has been a constructive force in igniting minds and empowering society for a better future of her family, nation, and the world nevertheless the sagacity of women which is inscribed in our scriptures portrayed in various mediums of mass communication and echoed every year on women’s’ day in national and international forums, yet she suffers violence, dowry deaths, sexual abuse, and harassment which is her another pity face that is often gets less pictured and take the shade of her tearful eyes which is nothing but the reality, she is exploited by applying atrocities because of the dominance and discrimination by man and also women too which is heinous and impotent act against the respect of women and against the ethical living principles that we endowed and vowed from our education to practice.

The theme on the women’s’ empowerment day for this year is “Women and men united to end violence against women” The central message of the theme which highlight once again is the ‘violence’ on women that has to be exterminated from our society which has become common ritual in urban and rural places where society claims to be developed and diversified so do the attitude for women had to still match with the word of ‘develop’ and act of violence on women which are dividing women from women, man from man, and civilization from culture. The very own culture which we learn from a women that never give us teaching of her exploitation in the name of culture though our past give us many illustration about holding women in high esteem but as the changing faces of time as women started getting more empowered she has underwent practices of exploitation in multiplied manner in the present but we can; yes we can change the future.

We have to acknowledge her presence (achievements) which has linked the socio-economic-and political factors that shapes our identity and identical society by values, love, care and sacrifice, she submits herself for the sake of her family to flourish but today the same civilization who learned the culture of respect from her is mishandling her values and her in the name of culture that needs collective condemned. we have to accept the truth and practice to put forward a healthy competitive spirit and bury any form of violence and prejudices against women who not only represent her individual self but a whole family, our society needs a rationalization of accepting women as their equals and stop exhuming the precedents of violence and not to keep repeating history that showcase victimization of her by violence. Their should be efforts to educate and create awareness among masses on the theme of the women‘s day through out the year in rural and urban platforms by meaningful initiatives and successful role models than only the theme will yield fruit for its sowing. As women of India today is undergoing a transformation of change in her face with sheer dedication and determination and contributing socially, economically and politically. She is playing an important role in the nation building and she needs to be motivated for growing, and grooming in achieving great heights with the help and support of everyone in the society. The need is to not just introduce welfare schemes, legislations or constitution of women groups and programs but what we actually need is to strengthen her voice to win, win over the violence, win over the social evils in the society, and win over herself in all disciplines, The history is witnessed for the numerous events where women created history and she is still adding pages to history with her contribution and endeavoring for the society to grow that equally needs a change of mindset in the males and Indian society to acknowledge the changing face of women and change their personal self for a better society of love and harmony.

Let me hope this women’s empowerment day symbolize the women and men symbolize the change and to act not only to end the violence but also celebrate the victory of women.

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